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    Keep in mind that payment methods may be subject to change, so it’s essential to check website for the most current information. As of my last update, the supported payment methods include:

    For Freelancers:

    1. Direct to Local Bank (ACH): Freelancers in the United States can withdraw their earnings to their local bank accounts using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.

    2. Wire Transfer: Freelancers outside the United States can use wire transfer to transfer funds directly to their local bank accounts.

    3. PayPal: Upwork also supports PayPal as a payment method for freelancers. Freelancers can link their PayPal accounts to receive payments.

    4. Payoneer: Freelancers can use Payoneer to receive payments from Upwork. This option is available for freelancers worldwide.

    For Clients:

    1. Credit Card/Debit Card: Clients can pay for services using major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

    2. PayPal: Clients can use PayPal to make payments to freelancers.

    3. Bank Account (ACH): Clients in the United States have the option to link their bank accounts and make payments through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.

    It’s essential to note that transaction fees and processing times may vary depending on the chosen payment method. Additionally, Zestwork’s supported payment methods may evolve over time, so it’s advisable to refer to website or contact support for the most up-to-date information.

    Yes, both freelancers and clients have the flexibility to close their accounts or stop using the platform at any time. Zestwork allows users to deactivate or close their accounts if they wish to discontinue using the platform.

    Here are the general steps to close or deactivate an account:

    1. Log in to Your Zestwork Account:

      • Log in to your account using your username and password.
    2. Access Account Settings:

      • Navigate to your account settings. You can usually find this option in the upper-right corner of the Zestwork website after logging in.
    3. Deactivate or Close Account:

      • Look for an option related to account closure or deactivation. This option may vary slightly based on Zestwork’s interface at the time of your access. Follow the prompts to close or deactivate your account.
    4. Follow Additional Steps (if required):

      • Depending on the reason for closing your account, Zestwork may prompt you to provide feedback or follow specific steps. Follow any additional instructions provided.

    Remember that closing your account is a permanent action, and you won’t be able to recover it once closed. Before closing your account, ensure that you’ve completed any ongoing contracts, resolved any outstanding issues, and withdrawn any available funds.

    Keep in mind that Zestwork’s policies and interface may change over time, so it’s recommended to check the most recent information on Zestwork’s official website or contact Zestwork support for guidance on closing or deactivating your account.